Friday, June 10, 2011

Review "Special Jounin" Exam | Ninja Saga

As we already know everything, Special Jounin Exam / Exam Special Jounin will soon arrive. I do not know when it's time, some say will be held this week, this month or kapanlah most importantly we are ready with Special Jounin Exam. There were rumors that said that the Special Jounin exam this time will spend a lot of token, there also said that Special Jounin Exams will be very difficult this time than previous exams. Most likely, the test this time not only against the enemy, but also in demand to use our brains to complete the exam Special Jounin, like completing a puzzle or something (still remember his jounin exam part 3 "the kekkai" maybe something like that).
What is clear, which should be in preparing for the exam this time at least is:

     Token enough
     Jutsu Token / Gold
     Weapon Upgrades are already in
     Token Pet / Pet in the can in the event
     And the last is the "Mental"

Why is "Mental" important? yes, because if you're not ready "Mental" must ultimately be using Cheat bwahahahahahahahha MySpace (Exams in Decline, Cheat any act) MySpace
If I suggest, you try the first pure play, feel the challenges that exist in every Test Special Jounin and at least we know how far our capabilities.
Owh yes, the exam this time there will be 2 different badge.



And usually, if you can complete the Exam by the time limit specified, you will get a reward. Whether it's token, jutsu, weapon or the other. Are the Companions Cielovers is ready to test this time? Visit this blog continues to yes to get info "the latest ^ ^

POSTED by xean llamas =.=

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